About Us

The Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an association of industrialists and businessmen of Bangladesh in general and Chattogram in particular. It consists of firms, companies and corporate bodies engaged in trade, commerce, industry, agriculture, manufacture etc. It was established in 1906, named as Chittagong Chamber of Commerce. At the initial stage the Chamber's activities and its number of members were limited. It had no office, but official activities i.e., the meetings and even general meetings also were done at the residence or personal office of the President (CCCI) and any other influential Members of the Chittagong Chamber of commerce. It was possible only due to its limited number of members. It is mentionable that, one of the general meetings of the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce 'held at the office of M/S Bulloch Brothers and Company Ltd., dated 15th august , 1919'. Most of the Members were Europeans (English). From its inception to the partition lf India the Chamber was conducted by the European businessmen and industrialists. Trade izmir escort and commerce, particularly business transactions of Chattogram were in the hands of the Europeans.  Besides the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce, there were many other such organizations working in Chattogram before the partition of India. They were, the Indian Merchant's Association, the Muslim Chamber of Commerce, the East Bengal Chamber of Industries and the Bengal Chamber of Commerce. Among all  chambers and associations, the Chattogram Chamber's activities were prominent. It was involved in promoting and protecting the trade, commerce and industry of the country since its inception (1906).  Basically as an advisory organization, the Chittagong chamber started its work from the beginning. Like other chambers, the Chittagong Chamber had its representatives in various trade, commerce and industrial organizations of the Government, Semi-Government and autonomous bodies. In 1928, a Board of Commissioners was reconstituted to operate the Chattogram Port. In this Board of Commissioners three representatives of members were taken from the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce. Like the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce three representatives were also taken from the Indian merchant's Association. During the period from 1906 to 1947 we found its involvement only tin the Port and no other involvements were seen in this regard. But there are various Sub-committees had been working for the development of trade and commerce of the country in general and Chattogram in particular.  The Sub-committees are: a) Licensed Measurers Department (LMD) Sub-committee of Management, b) Finance Sub-committee, c) Taxation Sub-committee, d) Shipping Sub-committee, e) Exporters Sub-committee, f) Importers Sub-committee, g) Industrialists Sub-committee, h) Lighterage and Inland Water bornova escort Transport Sub-committee and i) Insurance Sub-committee. It has already been said that the European businessmen were the main architect and driving force of the Chamber during the British regime. The Presidents of the Chamber were all Europeans since its inception (1906) to the partition of India (1947). From 1906 to 1947 the Presidents of the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce were:


1.      J.I. Brown (1906-1907);

2.      A.R. Leishman (1908-1909);

3.      G. Scoones (1910);

4.      A.R. Leishman (1911-1915);

5.      E.A. Martin(1916);

6.      A.R. Leishman (1917-1921);

7.      E.A. Martion(1921);

8.      L.M. Grayburn(1921);

9.      A.R. Leishman, V.D. (1922-1924);

10.    B.J. Corcoran, Member of the Legislative Council (M.L.C){1925}

11.    A.R. Leishman V.D(1926-1927);

12.    A. Mckean(1927);

13.    H.A. Lindquist (1928);

14.    A.R. Leishman, V.D(1928-1930);

15.    B.T Williams(1931);

16.    E. Bands(1931);

17.    A.R. Leishman, C.I.E.(Companion of the Indian Empire), V.D{1932-1933};

18.    L.M. Crosfield (1934-1935);

19.    T.M. Brodie(1936);

20.    J.A. Oliver (1937-1938);

21.    K.M. Campbell(1939)

22.    W. Hutchison (1940);

23.    J.A. Oliver (1940-1941);

24.    A.A. Mcinnes(1942-1943);

25.    W.T Watts(1944-1945);

26.    J.A Oliver (1946-1947).



During the period from 1906 to 1947 the numbers of the managing committee were nine along with the President and the Vice President. The President and  the Vice President and the Members of the Managing Committee were elected by the general members of the Chamber. A Secretariat was seen to assist the managing committee. The strength of the Secretariat was consisted of Secretary, Additional Secretary and Assistant Secretary with a few numbers of staffs. After the partition of India, Chattogram became an important region of the eastern wing of Pakistan  and whole eastern part (East Bengal) completely dependent of Chattogram for trade and commerce. At the same time, the activities of the Chittagong Chamber of commerce extended alsancak escort greatly due to the importance of Chattogram. After the 1947, the maintenance of the Chamber's functions had also been done under the guidance of the Europeans. No change had been taken in respect of the rules, regulations and structure of the chamber. Later forties and fifties of the twentieth century i.e., immediate after the partition of India, the  Presidents of the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce were all Europeans or as usual of the British regime. They were:


27.    J.A. Oliver (1948);

28.    K.S. Laure (1949);

29.    R.S. Vipan, O.B.E., E.D. (1950);

30.    J.A. Oliver(1951);

31.    R.R. Hogarth (1952);

32.    Hamilton Macaulay, C.B.E.(1953);

33.    H.P. Carse, D.S.C., V.D., A.C.A. (1954)

34.    Hamilton Macaulay, C.B.E.(1955);

35.    H.P. Carse, D.S.C.,V.D.,A.C.A (1956);

36.    M. Shabbir Ahmad (1957);

37.    Marshall Hamer(1958);

38.    Sir Hamilton Macaulay, C.B.E. (1959);


At the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century, the Chamber's leadership was shifted from the Europeans to the indigenous people of Chattogram and the participation of the Chattogram in respect of  business affairs seen greatly. Enrollment of membership of the Chittagong Chamber of commerce increased gradually. Since then, rules, regulations and structure of the Chittagong Chamber of commerce would have been changed gradually. In 1962, all chambers of Chattogram were such as; East Bengal chamber of Industries, Bengal chamber of commerce, Muslim Chamber of commerce and Industries, Pakistan chamber of commerce and industries and city chamber of commerce and Industries amalgamated into one and named as the Chittagong chamber of commerce and Industry. At that time for official activities an office house was opened at Agrabad (Jahan Building), Chattogram. Before that, there were offices at Anderkilla and Dewanhat of the basis of the verbal information. But no written information in support of this statement has been found. In 1968, the Executive committee was twenty three in number with president, First Vice-President and second Vice-President. At the same year a separate building had been erected for Chittagong chamber of commerce and Industry at plot no. 38 Agrabad Commercial Area, Chattogram and the authority of the Chittagong chamber of commerce and Industry shifted their center of transactions and activities from Jahan Building, Agrabad to newly completed building at plot no. 38 Agrabad commercial Area. The Chamber had become the owner of this building. This is the first chamber's building which she got in her history. Before that, all offices of the chamber were rented. At the beginning and after the sixties of the twentieth century the Presidents of the Chittagong chamber of commerce and Industry were:



39.    K.M.S.Alam (1959-1960);

40.    Badius Salam(1960);

41.    M.Idress B.Sc.MNA(1960-1961);

42.    Nurul Islam Bhuiyan (1961-1962);

43.    Mahmudun Nabi Chowdhuty Ex Minister and MP(1962-1963);

44.    Aminul Islam Chowdhury (1963-1964);

45.    Abul Khair Siddique MP(1965-1967);

46.    Giasuddin Chowdhury MNA(1967-1969);

47.    M. Idrees B.Sc. MNA(1969-1971).


M. Idrees B.Sc. was the last President of the Chattogram Chamber of commerce and Industry during the Pakistani regime. At the time of the Liberation Movement in 1971 the activities of the CCCI would have been certainly unworkable. After the independence of Bangladesh the CCCI again started her functions in respect of trade and commerce M. Idress B.Sc. again held the chair of the President of the CCCI. He was the first President of the CCCI in independent Bangladesh. After the independence of Bangladesh the Presidents of the CCCI were:


48.    M.Idrees B.Sc. (1971-1974);

49.    M.Zahiruddin Khan, Ex Minister and MP(1974-1978);

50.    M. Sekander Hussain Meah(1978-1980);

51.    Shafiur Rahman(1980-1981);

52.    Serajuddin Ahmed(1981-1984);

53.    Mirza Aboo Mansur,MP(1984-1985);

54.    Akhtaruzzaman Chowdhury, MP(1985-1987).



During the regime of the President ship of Akhraruzzaman Chowdhury an amendment (1987) was seen in the Chittagong Chamber of commerce and Industry. According to this amendment the executive committee renamed as Board of Directors. Directors in The Board of Directors were twenty four in number with one President, one senior Vice-President and one Vice-President. All the Directors should be elected by the Members and President, senior Vice-President and Vice-President also elected among the Directors. The Present structure and functions of the CCCI is also directed on the amendments of 1987. Under the amendments of 1987 the Presidents of the CCCI are:


55.    Akhtaruzzaman Chowdhury, MP(1987-1988);

56.    Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, Ex Minister and MP(1988-1991);

57.    Engr. Ali Ahmed(1991-1993);

58.    S.M.Abul Kalam(1993-1995);

59.    Sarwar Jamal Nizam MP(1995-1996);

60.    Jafrul Islam Chowdhury, Ex Minister and MP(1996-1997);

61.    Kamal Uddin Ahmed(1997-2000);

62.    Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, Honorable Minister and MP(2000-2001);

63.    Farid Ahmed Chowdhury(2001-2002);


In 2002, an amendment was taken to extend the duration of the President of the CCCI for a period of two years instead of one year and since then two years of President’s duration is maintained. Under this amendment the Presidents of the CCCI are:

64. Amir Humayun Mahmud Chowdhury (2002 – 2004);

65. Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, Honourable Minister and MP (2004 – 2008);

66. M.A.Latif MP (2008 - 2010);

67. Murshed Murad Ibrahim (2010 – 2013);

68. Mahbubul Alam (2013 – 7.9.2023).

69. Omar Hazzaz (2023 - 2.9.2024)

70. Muhammad Anwar Pasha, Administrator (9.9.2024 - Till Date)


The authority of the Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been shifted their main center of transactions and activities from Chamber’s Building at plot no. 38 Agrabad Commercial Area to newly completed building named World Trade Center. 




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